Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Wild At Heart by John Eldredge

What happened with all the boys we knew in our childhood?
Where are they know, what are they doing now?

Have they followed their dreams and become what ever they wished?
Of are they just another nice guys?

Boys always dreamed one day to become strong and powerful masculine. To be warrior. The express the shape of their heart.
But many of them, today are just quiet and boring persons.
Are they really satisfy with it? Is it all what they can do?

In his book “Wild At Heart” the writer John Eldredge gets into men heart. Searches his passions, his lusts from this day, back to his childhood. He finds his dreams, his wishes for justice, the passion to be warrior.
Girls have dreams to, but in their dreams they are just a princess waiting for the price. They are not fighting for more, of trying to reach to something. That is the reason why man should do what he is suppose to do.

God has designed man to be dangerous, alive, passionate and free.

Read this powerful, renowned Christian classic, Wild at Heart.You can find it at: http://www.koorong.com/search/product/wild-at-heart-john-eldredge/9781400281022.jhtml

Monday, June 23, 2014

Gilt Restorations Tips

Antique pieces of furniture can fit really nice into your home. You just need to have more space and
desire for owning one.
For example antique mirrors are ideal for placing them into the hallway. Simple and refreshing for any space. Antique mirror combined with flowers next to them.

They are really nice for look, but have you ever thought about maintaining?

The antique furniture maintaining is a little bit difficult. They have many details and that makes you spend some more time for maintaining them.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

DIY Wet Cleaning Wipes

Wet cleaning wipes are excellent for disinfecting and for cleaning surfaces.
because of their price, your can not use them constantly and sometime they are toxic and harsh on the skin. Besides, every housewife with a passion for DIY, would like to know how to make them herself, just for the sake of DIY so here I am, trying my best. Keep in mind in the link below, there is a good video explaining things.

Now for the container you will need an old mason jar, cannister, coffee  and empty wet wipes container.

Cleaning Liquid - You can try these recipes:

Glass and Window  Cleaning
One and half  cup rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol;
One tablespoon white vinegar; 
Two and half cups water;

Cleaning the General Surface 
One and half cups white vinegar
One and half cups water

Disinfectant Cleaning
One and half  cup pine cleaning solution such as Pine-Sol brand
Two and half cup water