Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Vastu Shastra Bedroom Tips

If you are not familiar with, Vastu Shastra is an ancient Vedic tradition that uses natural energy to achieve well-being. Like Feng Shui it can help you create a more tranquil and serene living space. Although you might want every room in your home to be attractive and inviting, the bedroom is the room that requires the biggest attention. It's a room where you can relax and have a great sleep night for a positive and energizing morning.

Want to learn how to create a refuge where you can feel both comfortable and relaxed? Here are some tips to include Vastu Shastra in your room design to create a beautiful, balanced and harmonize bedroom.

  • Pick the right color: According to Vastu, the perfect colors for bedrooms are green and blue for a calm environment, and light rose for coziness, warmth and passion.

  • Art is important: When you enter in the bedroom or when you wake up in the morning the first thing that you see should transmit you serene, peaceful feeling. So choose paintings, photographs, etc., that give you pleasure.

  • Avoid mirrors on the wall: Bedrooms are not a place for mirrors. That because reflections are known to cause sleep disturbances and they can also lead conflicts between couples.

  • No electrical equipment: Aside of disturbing your sleep, computers and TV screens also reflect the bed, acting as mirrors. So keep TV, computer or any other electronic out of your bedroom.

  • Choose natural bedding: Give preference to natural fabrics bedding such as cotton, linen or silk. Also keep them clean and fresh.

  • Bed headboards and frames: Bed headboards and frames are important furnishing items and should be in accordance to Vastu Shastra in order for you to get sound sleep and keep tension and stress away. Since you probably spend 6-8 hours on bed while sleeping, resting or doing numerous other things, it is necessary to select specific bed headboards and frames to get to accomplish your activities meaningful.

Negative and positive energies which surround your bed can make you sensitive and give you stress and tension if the energy is negative. Metal bed headboards and frames are cold and generally produce negative energy. So choose bed headboards and frames made of wood which are warm are gives you positive energy.

  • Neatness is also important: Remove clutters from the bedroom and always keep doors and drawers shut. Also organize you desk and other surfaces before going to sleep. Clean and dust your bedroom regularly.   

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